sick leave


sick leave 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. leave from duty, work, or the like, granted because of illness.

sick leave 近义词

n. 名词 noun

a leave given for illness

sick leave 的近义词 2

更多sick leave例句

  1. Part-time workers get proportionate amounts of sick leave and would be eligible for a proportionate additional amount from the fund.
  2. We need to be encouraging leadership, both at the state and federal levels, to protect people, to have paid sick leave for people if they become symptomatic.
  3. Many of them don’t speak English and aren’t granted paid sick leave.
  4. Slaughterhouses, long notorious for their terrible working conditions, have been coronavirus hotspots, in some cases because they responded to the coronavirus crisis by telling employees not to take any sick leave for any reason.
  5. If teachers take sick leave Tuesday they could argue they are simply taking paid leave.
  6. And not just sick in the body but in your mind, because you start obsessing.
  7. “We all shook hands and my client told me to leave,” he said.
  8. I was sick in street gutters, onto my desk, at dinners with friends.
  9. Some seventy-plus countries currently offer some paternity leave or parental leave days reserved for the father.
  10. But outside of a few European countries and Quebec, this leave is usually two weeks or less and usually unpaid.
  11. The Duchess had also a tent for their sick men; so that we had a small town of our own here, and every body employed.
  12. They are very urgent questions; our sons and daughters will have to begin to deal with them from the moment they leave college.
  13. As Perker said this, he looked towards the door, with an evident desire to render the leave-taking as brief as possible.
  14. Now for the tempering of the Gudgeons, I leave it to the judgment of the Workman; but a word or two of the polishing of it.
  15. I suppose he is sick of the sound of them, or perhaps it is because he feels obliged to be conscientious in teaching Beethoven!